Saturday, March 30, 2013

Stupid Words

Someone has ever told me one thing--or I read it somewhere-- that you have to smile and happy or whatever no matter what happened because YOLO.
And I have just got it those word's mean lately.
But seriuoly people?
Maksudku you just can't smile everywhere with those pains that stabbing you all the time. Or at least that's what I felt
Aku tau kita cuma hidup sekali di dunia ini, tapi bahkan pun kita tak selamanya bisa berpura2 untuk tak merasakan apa2 atau mengaku we are fine when it is opposite from what its look like
C'mon! Admit it!
But often, we say we are okay instead of you said you weren't and explain why. It is easier. I know. I do too.
It is easier to laugh in front of all of the people, stay strong, and whatever to make sure you are okay
It is easier to cry all alone on the night
It is easier to pretend your really strong when the world against you back
But somehow being that strong is suck you know. Because people don't realize when you're in a weak point
Back to the top, I actually wonder what if my problems happened to who said the word above
Apa mereka bakal tetep mengatakan yg sama? Dengan tulus? Tanpa berpura2?

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